February Week 3

February Week 3

Thursday 15th February - Conscious Communication
Friday 16th February - Open to Opportunities
Saturday 17th February - Remove Negativity & Listen to Self-Guidance
Sunday 18th February - Frontal Lobe of the Brain
Monday 19th February - To Know Through Intuition *NEW*
Tuesday 20th February - Keeping on the Path
Wednesday 21st February - Energise Your System

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February Week 3
  • To Know Through Intuition

    In modern life we only use about 15% of our intuition. Your intuition is the inner navigation system that guides you through life. Through meditation you can connect deeper to your intuition so you can flow through life with ease. Expect long deep breathing through three different postures to con...

  • Conscious Communication

    Begin with a simple warm up practice to move the spine and stimulate energy flow through the body. This will set you up to go deep into a powerful mantra meditation, known as Antar Naad Meditation. Bring in good luck, creative flow and connect you deeply to the infinite connection.

    Mantra: Sa R...

  • Open to Opportunities

    Clear your energy and remove any energetic, mental and emotional blocks to cultivate manifestation flow. This will allow us to manifest whatever it is that we would like to bring more of into our life. Yoga postures such as crow pose, shoulder stand and sat kriya will move the energy up through t...

  • Remove Negativity & Listen to Self-Guidance

    Clear your energy of negativity so you can listen clearly to your own inner guidance. Begin with poses to move energy along your spine and connect to your navel center before coming into an 11 minute mantra meditation to clear the ahead of you and flow with your own intuitive guidance.

    Music: h...

  • Frontal Lobe of the Brain

    A deep meditative class to work on the frontal lobe of the brain. This part of the brain is responsible for your forward thinking, goal setting, creativity and balancing your neruro-transmitters to keep your mood balanced. We'll stimulate this area by creating vibration at the third eye point whi...

  • Keeping on the Path

    Often emotions can get in our way and make life more challenging. This class will allow you to become aware of what is leading you astray and guide you back on the path where you are connected to your own inner guidance. Move through a basic yoga set of primarily standing postures combined with m...

  • Energise Your System

    Move the body to stimulate the energy through the nadi channels and meridians of the body to feel light, bright and full of vitality! The second half of the yoga class will become more meditative the purify your mind to bring mental focus and clarity.

    Music: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6S...