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Chakras (Energy Centres)

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Prana and Apana (Energy Balance)

I AM A BEGINNER ~ Sadhana Series • 21m

Up Next in I AM A BEGINNER ~ Sadhana Series

  • Chakras (Energy Centres)

    Balance out your energy in this active and slightly challenging set that will introduce you to the chakras. Starting with the lower energy centres, known as the lower triangle, you'll work your way up the spine to the upper chakras to rebalance your energy centres and create an infinite experienc...

  • Dhristi (Eye Focus)

    Ever find your mind wandering off and suddenly you're thinking about a conversation you had today or what's for dinner later? This is where drishti comes in! Drishti or focused gaze, is a means for developing concentrated intention and can be an inward gaze or outward gaze. In Kundalini Yoga we o...

  • Meditation

    To sum up our beginners series we will finish off by bringing together all the tools and techniques we have learnt into a meditation practice. The ultimate goal of asana (physical poses) in your yoga is to prepare the body so that you can sit in meditation and have a deep infinite experience. Thi...