July Week 2

July Week 2

Saturday 8th - 30min Self Control through Developed Sensitivity
Sunday 9th - 60min Complete Workout for Total Self
Monday 10th - 25min Yoga for Digestion (NEW)
Tuesday 11th - 40min Yogic Salutations
Wednesday 12th - 30min Mental Balance
Thursday 13th - 40min Sun Energy
Friday 14th - 15min Communicate Your Honest Self

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July Week 2
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  • Self Control through Developed Sensitivity

    Kundalini Yoga is known as the yoga of awareness, as it focuses on increasing self-awareness and delivering an experience of your highest consciousness. This gentle class works with body tapping to create a smooth flow of energy through the nadi channels, as well as tuning up the glands and organ...

  • Complete Workout for Total Self

    Yoga is an ancient science and is more than just exercise. The word yoga means "union" - to merge the body, mind, and spirit. In this yoga class you will be taken through a series of poses to move energy through the meridian channels. Use counting throughout the practice to let go of mental clutt...

  • Yoga for Digestion

    Stimulate energy through the navi centre (navel) to create Apana Flow (downward energy). This will help with elimination of waste and detoxification. As you work on developing energy here you will feel rebalanced and light.

  • Yogic Salutations

    In this class we will work wth Yogic Salutations to connect to your Self.

    Often when we salute, we’re saluting to something outside of ourselves. In this class we will go within to salute to our own inner ‘guru,’ letting go of our fears and problems to access our soul connection.

    We will do 1...

  • Mental Balance

    Start with adjusting through your ribcage, creating pressure in the ribs to balance Ida and Pinagala Nadis which are there two central energy channels that end at the nostrils. Finish with a meditation using the mantra Gobinday Mukanday to clear the mind, build protective energy around you and co...

  • Sun Energy

    The energy of the sun is healing, uplifting and life-giving. Through this class we will cultivate sun energy in the body to bring these positive qualities into our own energy. One of the main solar centres in the body is the Solar Plexus so we will be focusing at this spot at the navel. Through d...

  • Communicate Your Honest Self

    Good communication expresses the real you. Learn to communicate your honest self in this meditation using a variety of tools including mudra and mantra. Bring balance into the heart center to connect to your own truth and project that out into the world. As you move the fingers you will balance t...