October Week 1

October Week 1

Class schedule for the 1st - 7th of October!

Sunday 1st October - Purifying the Self
Monday 2nd October - Remove Negativity
Tuesday 3rd October - Firing Up The Metabolism
Wednesday 4th October - 2nd Chakra Meditation
Thursday 5th October - Beginners Cleanse
Friday 6th October - Energise Your System
Saturday 7th October - Raise Kundalini

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October Week 1
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  • Purifying the Self

    Purify your energy in this beautiful meditative class using pranayama (breathwork) and the bandhas (body locks). Use Mulabanda to draw energy up through the Shushumna Nadi, the central axis of the spine through which energy flows in the body. Flowing energy from your base to your crown allows you...

  • Remove Negativity

    Negativity can manifest within tension in our physical body. This short sweet kriya will release any blocked energy held within your body leaving you feeling elevated, light and with a positive mindset.

  • Firing Up The Metabolism

    Fire up the metabolism by building heat and energy within the body. Use breath of fire to create powerful fiery energy circulating within you and to purify the blood. We'll also use mantra to allow you to go deep into meditation where you can connect deeply to your soul and realise who you truly ...

  • 2nd Chakra Meditation

    The 2nd chakra relates to the element of water and is our centre of desire, passion and creativity. Svadhisthana Chakra is located at the sacrum, just below the navel, with the energy flowing both forward and back from this space. This meditation will stimulate our creative flow through lots of m...

  • Beginners Cleanse

    A beginner friendly class to allow you to cleanse the body to feel light and beautiful! By bringing your attention to your navel center we can move energy through this powerful area of the body. The body is always natural cleansing itself, however we can support cleansing and elimination through ...

  • Energise Your System

    Move the body to stimulate the energy through the nadi channels and meridians of the body to feel light, bright and full of vitality! The second half of the yoga class will become more meditative the purify your mind to bring mental focus and clarity.

    Music: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6S...

  • Raise Kundalini

    Cleanse the energy up through the body to elevate your awareness and consciousness. Starting at the base of our spine, work on rising the energy up the central energy channels. From this state of elevated consciousness and awareness we abundance to flow into our life. Finish with a meditation kno...