Quick Tune Ups

Quick Tune Ups

Classes for when you have less than 10 minutes to tune up your energy to feel light, bright and radiant! These short meditations and breath practices will quickly drop you into a state of calm where you can let go of any anxiety, frustrations or negativity. All of these bite-sized classes can be practiced everywhere and anywhere - from your car before work to your bed before you fall asleep at night. Simply pop on a class whenever you find yourself needing a quick energy tune up!

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Quick Tune Ups
  • Popcorn Set

    A yoga set to bring you quick energy! Perfect to do in the morning before meditation, or later in the day to let go of any tension or frustration.

  • Boost your Energy with Lion Paws

    A powerful short kriya to reset the brain and its electromagnetic field. Movement of your arms and hands triggers the reflexes in your fingertips related to each area of your brain. Breath of fire added to your arm movements enhances the function of the pituitary and pineal glands. This short exe...

  • Calming Your Mind

    Bring your mind into a calm and peaceful state with this quick breathing technique. By breathing through the left nostril you activate the nadi channel in the left side of the body. Ida Nadi is guided by the right hemisphere of the brain and left side of the body. It is a cooling and calming brea...

  • One Minute Breath

    An advanced pranayama technique (20 second inhale - 20 second hold - 20 second exhale) to go into your parasympathetic nervous system to create calmness in the body and mind. Feel connected to your higher self as you elevate your consciousness in just 3 minutes!

  • Energy Boost

    Feeling lacking in energy and lethargic? This is the practice for you to lift your spirits! This 5 minute breath practice will boost your energy, bring mental clarity and purify your body. A great class if you wake up feeling exceptionally tired or as a mid-afternoon pick-me-up!

  • Meditation for Powerful Energy

    If you are feeling low in energy or foggy in your mind then this is the practice for you! Using a mudra, breath pattern and mantra you will power up your energy to leave you feeling bright and radiant. A great class to practice to center yourself in your own power and remind yourself of how stron...

  • Alter your Mental State

    This 3 minute meditation will bring your energy back into balance. The way we breathe determines the balance of energy in our body. When our energy is out of balance we can correct this through breathing techniques so that we feel balanced and calm.

  • Sitali Pranayama - Cool & Calm

    Sitali Pranayama, often called “the cooling breath,” is a breath practice that cools the body and has a calming effect on the nervous system. Use this quick 5 minute class to tune up your energy to feel cool, calm and collected!