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Up Next in 28 Day Beginners At-Home Challenge

  • Nadi Energy Channels

    A deeply meditative breath session to balance the energy through the three main nadi channels. Start by warming up through the spine with Sufi Grind and Cat Cow. Remain seated as you move through a pranayama (breath) series including Left Nostril breathing, Right Nostril Breathing and Nadi Shodan...

  • Navel Point

    Move through a powerful short tune up of the navel point to feel strong and energised. Centring your energy at your navel point allows you to feel balanced, strong and in control. Using breath of fire throughout the class you will stimulate your energy and charge up the navel point. Start with wa...

  • Bandhas (Body Locks)

    Direct and maximise the flow of energy within the body through the use of bandhas in this introductory class to this ancient yogic technique. This class will take you through the central bandhas used in Kundalini Yoga: Mulabandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha and a combination of all three,...