January Week 2

January Week 2

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January Week 2
  • Perpetual Youth

    Yoga works on stimulating the glandular system which helps with longevity and youthfulness. Move through active poses such as spinal flex and alternate leg lifts to realign your energy flow before settling into a long mantra meditation to connect to the total spirit within yourself and universal ...

  • Preparing Yourself Physically, Mentally & Spiritually

    In modern life we live very much in the physical dimension. Our practice of yoga brings us into that space of union, where body, mind and spirit are connected as one. This class will tune up the energy to experience the infinite connection between mind, body and spirit. A great class to practice ...

  • Kriya for Physical & Mental Vitality

    Create vitality in the physical body, as well as vitality in the mind in this active class finishing with a mantra meditation. You will build strength and power in this core focused class, moving through active poses to strengthen the navel. We'll tap into the abundance of energy located at your ...

  • Give yourself New Life

    Bring new life to the physical body by building strength, as well as refresh the mind using coordination of movement and breath. We’ll finish with a meditation series known as Longevity Kriya. This 3 part meditation will allow you to rebuild the molecular structure of the body, by combining three...

  • Remove Negativity

    Negativity can manifest within tension in our physical body. This short sweet kriya will release any blocked energy held within your body leaving you feeling elevated, light and with a positive mindset.

  • Balance Brain & Build Intuition

    A mellow class to balance the brain through postures that combine arm movements and coordination. Tune up the opposing hemispheres of the brain and finish with a segmented breath meditation. This meditation develops our intuition and allows us to go deep into the meditative mind. From this place ...

  • Reaching Your Mental Richness & Spiritual Strength

    Go beyond the physical body by getting out of your own chaotic mind and experience the infinite. Center your energy and balance the hemispheres in the brain through the use of postures combined with mudras. Working with the mantra 'SAT NAAM SAT NAAM SAT NAAM SAT NAAM SAT NAAM SAT NAAM WHA-HAY GUR...