July Week 4

July Week 4

Saturday 22nd - 25min Challenge the Ego in You
Sunday 23rd - 30min Stress Set for Adrenals & Kidneys
Monday 24th - 40min Total Balance (NEW)
Tuesday 25th - 40min Power of the Mind over the Body
Wednesday 26th - 30min Outward Bound
Thursday 27th - 30min Building the Nervous System
Friday 28th - 25min Firing Up The Metabolism

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July Week 4
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  • Challenge the Ego in You

    An active physical class with lots of breathwork to work on the lower chakras where our ego resides. Sometimes our ego can rule us and when we live too much from the lower chakras we make decisions with our primal instincts which aren't balanced with our heart and intuition. Through this class yo...

  • Stress Set for Adrenals & Kidneys

    Everyone has stress in modern day life, so it's important to have an energy reserve to allow us to keep up with life. Healthy adrenals and kidneys play an important role in keeping your energy levels high so that you can do all the things you want to in life. Move through poses such as forward-be...

  • Total Balance

    Create balance in the physical body, brain and aura. When you feel off balance your energy field becomes small and dull, resulting in you feeling more vulnerable or anxious. Rebalance your energy with this complete class involving lots of arm movements and deep meditation. By bringing your energy...

  • Power of the Mind over the Body

    A seated meditative class using a lot of breathwork to bring self-healing. You can create inner healing by balancing out the pranic flow within your body through the way we breathe. The breath is a powerful took for regulating your mind and body. Finish with a meditation using breath retention to...

  • Outward Bound

    An active yoga set with poses such as alternate leg lifts, frogs and rocking bow pose to energise your physical body while stimulating the energy flow through your energy body. When your physical body is strong and your nervous system is stable you can tune into your energy body. Meditate to conn...

  • Building the Nervous System

    Your nervous system is your wiring system that triggers energy flow in the body. When your nervous system is out of balance your body will enter its fear response of flight or flight more easily. This might feel like a racing heart, shaking of your hands, or your stomach turning. As you build and...

  • Firing Up The Metabolism

    Fire up the metabolism by building heat and energy within the body. Use breath of fire to create powerful fiery energy circulating within you and to purify the blood. We'll also use mantra to allow you to go deep into meditation where you can connect deeply to your soul and realise who you truly ...