October Week 3

October Week 3

Class schedule for the 15th - 21st of October!

Sunday 15th October - Creating Internal Balance
Monday 16th October - Popcorn Set - Quick Energy Lift
Tuesday 17th October - Bandhas (Body Locks)
Wednesday 18th October - Instinctual Self
Thursday 19th October - Experiencing Your Elementary Personality
Friday 20th October - Enhance, Extend & Manifest
Saturday 21st October - Balancing the Vayus

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October Week 3
  • Popcorn Set

    A yoga set to bring you quick energy! Perfect to do in the morning before meditation, or later in the day to let go of any tension or frustration.

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  • Creating Internal Balance

    This class will work on releasing emotions and balancing the glandular system. We'll stimulate energy flow through the body, as we move this energy we bring the chakras into balance. As we align the chakras we can also balance the glands, allowing us to bring the whole system - energetically and ...

  • Bandhas (Body Locks)

    Direct and maximise the flow of energy within the body through the use of bandhas in this introductory class to this ancient yogic technique. This class will take you through the central bandhas used in Kundalini Yoga: Mulabandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha and a combination of all three,...

  • Instinctual Self

    Rebalance and realign the energy flow through your body in this active class with poses such as cobra, font platform, crow and sat kriya. Begin by working on your lower chakras, where your survival instincts and power are held. Aligning your lower chakras allows you to let go of learned patterns ...

  • Experiencing Your Elementary Personality

    Sometimes we get so lost in the flow of life that we forget how important it is to know ourselves and work on ourselves. This is a very meditative class to work on the elemental personality and balance the planetary energy. You will balance between Jupiter and Saturn, combining their influences t...

  • Enhance, Extend & Manifest

    Build the positive mind and build your creative flow! When we live from the positive mind we can manifest our goals and create the life of our dreams. Begin with a yoga set with poses such as spinal flex, stretch pose and ego eradicator. Finish with a 11 minute meditation using the powerful mantr...

  • Balancing the Vayus

    Energy moves through the world and flows through each of us. This energy, known as Prana, moves through our bodies through what is known as the Vayus. Vayu translates to wind, and are responsible for the flows of energy that move through our body. Although they are subtle, the Vayus have large im...