Beginner Classes

Beginner Classes

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Beginner Classes
  • Health, Energy, Radiance

    A very simple, gentle set moving through a basic spinal series to align your energy. Use bandhas to transform energy into the upper chakras before moving into a pranayama and meditation practice to boost health and immunity to feel glowing and radiant!

  • Kriya for Morning Sadhana

    A great all-around Kundalini Yoga class to tune up the body, mind, and expand your aura. This Kriya includes basic postures to move energy through your body; cat-cow, spinal flex, spinal twists, forward bends, life nerve stretch, butterfly, pelvic lifts, cobra pose, yoga mudra, Sufi grind, should...

  • Introduction to Kundalini Yoga

    Welcome to the Introduction to Kundalini Yoga and Meditation! Kundalini Yoga is known as the "yoga of awareness". It awakens your Kundalini energy which is the creative energy within you. Join Erin O’Hara in this class to learn more about what Kundalini Yoga is, how to tune in, and the basic brea...

  • Calm Body, Calm Mind

    A simple and effective class to calm the body, mind and nervous system. This gentle class will align your energy along the central axis of your spine, both physically and energetically. Bring the three main Nadis (energy channels) located along the spine of Ida, Pinagala and Shushumna into balanc...

  • Meditation

    To sum up our beginners series we will finish off by bringing together all the tools and techniques we have learnt into a meditation practice. The ultimate goal of asana (physical poses) in your yoga is to prepare the body so that you can sit in meditation and have a deep infinite experience. Thi...

  • Dhristi (Eye Focus)

    Ever find your mind wandering off and suddenly you're thinking about a conversation you had today or what's for dinner later? This is where drishti comes in! Drishti or focused gaze, is a means for developing concentrated intention and can be an inward gaze or outward gaze. In Kundalini Yoga we o...

  • Chakras (Energy Centres)

    Balance out your energy in this active and slightly challenging set that will introduce you to the chakras. Starting with the lower energy centres, known as the lower triangle, you'll work your way up the spine to the upper chakras to rebalance your energy centres and create an infinite experienc...

  • Prana and Apana (Energy Balance)

    One of the main goals in yoga is to balance the energy that flows within you. In yogic philosophy the two opposing energies in the body are known as Prana (upward energy) and Apana (downward energy). These two energies meet at the navel centre where kundalini is stored. This practice will bring y...

  • Mudras (Gestures)

    Use mudras to channel the way energy flows through the nadis (energy channels). This class will start with an active yoga set to create a balance of energy in your body before moving into a mudra based meditation series to bring healing energy into your heart. Learn how to feel energy in your pal...

  • Bandhas (Body Locks)

    Direct and maximise the flow of energy within the body through the use of bandhas in this introductory class to this ancient yogic technique. This class will take you through the central bandhas used in Kundalini Yoga: Mulabandha, Uddiyana Bandha, Jalandhara Bandha and a combination of all three,...

  • Navel Point

    Move through a powerful short tune up of the navel point to feel strong and energised. Centring your energy at your navel point allows you to feel balanced, strong and in control. Using breath of fire throughout the class you will stimulate your energy and charge up the navel point. Start with wa...

  • Nadi Energy Channels

    A deeply meditative breath session to balance the energy through the three main nadi channels. Start by warming up through the spine with Sufi Grind and Cat Cow. Remain seated as you move through a pranayama (breath) series including Left Nostril breathing, Right Nostril Breathing and Nadi Shodan...

  • Mantra (Sound)

    Mantra is a powerful part of Kundalini Yoga and is used in meditation as well as throughout your yoga practice. We are creating with every word we speak, and even with every word we think. By replacing your mundane and often negative thought patterns with mantra you can uplift yourself to feel ca...

  • Spinal Alignment

    In Kundalini Yoga a lot of the postures we do are working on aligning the spinal, both physically and energetically. Preparing the body and aligning the energy at your spine is what prepares you for deep meditation. Move through the spine in a simple class of forward bends, back bends and twists ...

  • Pranayama (Breathing)

    In this class you will learn the key pranayama practices commonly used in Kundalini Yoga including Long Deep Breathing and Breath of Fire (BOF). Expect to feel energised and confident in your breathing foundations.

    Pranayama is the science of breath, controlling the movement of prana through th...

  • Meditation to Become Calm & Steady

    A short & simple meditation class great for those new to yoga or for seasoned meditators to come back to when you're feeling stressed, overwhelmed or having trouble sleeping. We will calm your nervous system so that you can stay calm and steady in the face of stress.

  • Beginners Breath Meditation Series for Glandular Balance

    This class is great for beginners or those new to meditation to learn techniques of meditation and how to control the breath. Over this three part meditation series you will bring the glandular system into balance. The glands are the guardians of your physical health, sending out secretions to co...

  • Beginners Stimulate Navel

    If you're new to Kundalini Yoga this is the perfect place to start! A gentle class to learn the foundations of Kundalini Yoga to build energy and prana within the body. The two foundations we will learn are breathing and centering the navel point. Spend the first half of the class establishing yo...

  • Wake Up Series

    Enjoy one of Erin's favourite little tune-up classes! Practice this as soon as you roll out of bed, before a meditation practice or when you're short on time. Activate through the navel to center your energy and calm your nervous system. Gently stimulate the digestive system through Nose to Knee ...

  • Beginners Cleanse

    A beginner friendly class to allow you to cleanse the body to feel light and beautiful! By bringing your attention to your navel center we can move energy through this powerful area of the body. The body is always natural cleansing itself, however we can support cleansing and elimination through ...