June Week 2

June Week 2

8th June - 30min Keeping on the Path
9th June - 25min Challenge the Ego in You
10th June - 40min Work on the Meridians
11th June - 40min Balance the Chakras
12th June - 20min Personality, Nerves, and Perception
13th June - 45min Kriya for Elevation
14th June - 40min Activate the Power of the Navel

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June Week 2
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  • Keeping on the Path

    Often emotions can get in our way and make life more challenging. This class will allow you to become aware of what is leading you astray and guide you back on the path where you are connected to your own inner guidance. Move through a basic yoga set of primarily standing postures combined with m...

  • Challenge the Ego in You

    An active physical class with lots of breathwork to work on the lower chakras where our ego resides. Sometimes our ego can rule us and when we live too much from the lower chakras we make decisions with our primal instincts which aren't balanced with our heart and intuition. Through this class yo...

  • Work on the Meridians

    Meridians are channels in the body which energy travels through. There are 5 main meridians that run through the body and all correspond to specific organs. When there is an issue in one of the organs, it can cause the flow in its specific meridian channel to be blocked.

    We will move through the ph...

  • Balance the Chakras

    This class will work on balancing the chakras. The chakras are energy centres in the body and run along the central axis of the spine. They are our renters of consciousness and have deeply profound effects on our lives. The lower chakras are energetically related to grounding and earthing in the ...

  • Personality, Nerves, & Perception

    You are so much more than your finite physical body. Move through a series of seated postures to develop your ability to see past the physical and into the infinite and project your energy forward. Finish with a relaxation to reset your nervous system.

  • Kriya for Elevation

    This class will elevate your energy and allow you to tap into your creative potential. The Kriya for Elevation is one of my favourite Kundalini Yoga practices to tune up the energy flow through the body. Use postures combined with the breath to release your energy flow along your spine and elevat...

  • Activate the Power of the Navel

    Todays practice will bring power and activation to the navel point. In kundalini yoga, we stimulate the kundalini energy at the base of the spine to power up the navel. Through this class we’ll build strength through abdominal muscles while also connecting to the Nabhi center at the navel. Nabhi ...