Full-Length Kundalini Yoga Classes

Full-Length Kundalini Yoga Classes

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Full-Length Kundalini Yoga Classes
  • Prosperity, Goodwill & Projection

    Whatever you put out into the universe influences what you receive back. This class will tune up your energy with lots of breath of fire to burn through any karma's and purify your energy. The meditation will use Jupiter finger to bring in wisdom and knowledge. The mantra will take you into the ...

  • Prosperity Flow

    Work from the pelvis upwards to awaken and move the Kundalini Energy, the creative potential stored within the body. Align through the chakras, allowing your energy to use and allow you to step into your own infinite potential. Chant the mantra 'Gobinda Gobinda' as we meditate, calling upon the s...

  • Radiance & Grace

    Move through the body to tune up through the glandular system. Hold each posture as we take long deep breaths and focus at the third eye. Finish with a beautiful meditation to develop your intuition and attract opportunities. Expand the energy from your heart center and tap into the energy of Nar...

  • Elevate Consciousness

    A meditative class utilising pranayama (breathwork) and the mantra 'Sa Ta Na Ma,' to increase our intuition. 'Sa Ta Na Ma' represents Birth, Life, Death & Rebirth. Chanting this mantra allows us to balance through these aspects of the ever changing forms of energy. We will elevate our consciousne...

  • Build Abundance

    Build prosperity flow to manifest wealth in your life! Align the energy in your body through Kundalini Yoga then finish with a mantra meditation to create prosperity flow in your life and attract abundance and wealth. This meditation stimulates the mind, the moon center and Jupiter. The yogi teac...

  • Balance Brain & Build Intuition

    A mellow class to balance the brain through postures that combine arm movements and coordination. Tune up the opposing hemispheres of the brain and finish with a segmented breath meditation. This meditation develops our intuition and allows us to go deep into the meditative mind. From this place ...

  • Removing Body Blocks

    Remove any blocks that are preventing you from creating prosperity in your life. Blocks can be physical in your body through tension, stiffness or tightness, as well as can be held in the mind through self limiting beliefs. We will move a lot through the body to release these blocks and create a ...

  • Extend Yourself

    Kundalini Yoga allows you to tap into your inner energy source, bringing an abundance of prana into your body. This yoga set is known to give you energy for days on end! We'll work on moving the energy flow through the body and centring our energy at the navel through core focused postures. To fi...

  • Balancing the Vayus

    Energy moves through the world and flows through each of us. This energy, known as Prana, moves through our bodies through what is known as the Vayus. Vayu translates to wind, and are responsible for the flows of energy that move through our body. Although they are subtle, the Vayus have large im...

  • Balancing the Depository System

    This class will allow you to break through any energy deposits help in the body. We will move a lot to build prana and clear any stuck energy in the body. Working with a range of postures, only held for a short amount of time, to circulate the energy flow to get out of any unhelpful patterns and ...

  • Invigorate the Whole System

    Kundalini Yoga works on awakening the Kundalini energy, the creative potential within ourselves. This creative potential sits dormant at the navel center. As we bring in Prana (inward energy) it combines with Apana (outward energy) and creates an invigoration of our energy. Strong energy at the n...

  • Work on the Meridians

    Meridians are channels in the body which energy travels through. There are 5 main meridians that run through the body and all correspond to specific organs. When there is an issue in one of the organs, it can cause the flow in its specific meridian channel to be blocked.

    We will move through the ph...

  • Creating Magnetic Fields to Expand Your Inner Self

    This class will allow you to move through any anger and any energetic blocks in the body. The first half of the class will be more active as we clear our energy through rapid movement and shaking. The second half of the class will allow you to relax and reset as we go into a deep hypnotic state t...

  • Ribcage, Lungs, & Lymphatic System

    Balance the energy flow through the two main energy channels in the body, Ida Nadi and Pingala Nadi. Nadi is a Sanskrit word which is translated as “channel”, or “flow”. The Nadis are the channels through which the energies of the subtle body flow, the life force energy known as “Prana”. Expect l...

  • Getting Rid of Subconscious Depression

    Supressed emotions are often stored within the physical body. We'll work with a lot of movement and shaking to release any blocked and stored negativity. The energy flow moving through the body will clear our energy and allow emotions to pass through us with acceptance. Each posture will be held ...

  • Command the Brain

    This class will work a lot through the arms and hands, focusing on coordination of movement and the mind. The movement will help us to build a 'Keep Up Spirit,' by sustaining the postures and allowing the energy to align through the body. We'll move a lot and generate lots of energy to take out i...

  • Expand Your Aura

    In this class we will also work on expanding your Aura, which is the electromagnetic field that surrounds your body. In Kundalini Yoga, the Aura is known as the 8th Chakra. When our Aura is weak or small we can feel flat or depressed. When it is big and strong we attract positive opportunities an...

  • Energy Circulation

    This class will focus at our navel center, otherwise known as out core. Energy spirals out from this navel center so through this class we will work on drawing the energy out of the navel center and radiating energy around the body. Combining chanting, forward bending, and twisting we will activa...

  • Circulation of Prana

    The flow in your body determines your emotional base. You feel full of energy and in control when your circulation is in excellent shape.

    This class will circulate energy through the body by moving through poses such as Crow Pose and Cobra Pose. As we move the muscles we put pressure on the meri...

  • Creating Internal Balance

    This class will work on releasing emotions and balancing the glandular system. We'll stimulate energy flow through the body, as we move this energy we bring the chakras into balance. As we align the chakras we can also balance the glands, allowing us to bring the whole system - energetically and ...

  • Basic Spinal Series

    They say age is measured by the flexibility of the spine. To stay young, stay flexible! This class will work systematically from the base of the spine to the crown of the head, stimulating all 26 vertebrae along the spine. Physically, this class works on aligning the 26 vertebrae along the spine ...

  • Clean Lymphatics & Adjust Lower Back

    A short kriya to tune up your energy or prepare yourself for a deep meditation. The lymphatic system is often overlooked despite it being a significant system in the body. It helps to remove waste from every cell while also regulating the immune system. Expect to feel energised, centred and balan...

  • Sat Kriya Workout

    Sat Kriya is one of the most powerful poses and meditations in the Kundalini energy system. It works on drawing energy upwards, transforming the energy from the lower chakras into the upper chakras. It stimulates the naval to bring Kundalini energy up through the body to elevate consciousness and...

  • Circulation & Meditative Mind

    In yogic teachings we describe the mind as having three elements. The positive mind, negative mind and the neutral or meditative mind. By balancing the positive and negative elements of the mind we can come into our neutral or meditative mind where we can go deeper within. When we get stuck in th...