Get Started Here...

Get Started Here...

Begin your Kundalini Yoga and Meditation journey here! Learn how to use the Golden Yogi Online platform, find music and playlists to play alongside your classes, learning the basics of this unique practice and developing your own personal sadhana (daily spiritual practice)!

Get Started Here...
  • Welcome to Golden Yogi Online!

  • Beginner Classes

    20 items

  • Beginner Meditations

    12 items

    Begin your meditation journey with these beginner meditations to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system.

  • 28 Day Beginners At-Home Challenge

    28 items

    New to Kundalini Yoga? Dive right in and join the Beginners 28 Day At-Home Challenge to commit to a daily yoga practice for the next 28 days. Print off the calendar and share your progress with us on instagram to keep inspired and motivated! Experience 28 days of mindful movement, connection and ...

  • 28 Day Intermediate At-Home Challenge

    29 items

    If you're familiar with Kundalini Yoga and would like to develop your own personal Sadhana (daily spiritual practice) this is the challenge for you! Move through a variety of classes over 28 days to establish a regular yoga practice to feel light, bright and radiant!

    Find music here: https://o...

  • Learn To Meditate

    13 items

    New course Monday 17th October - Thursday 27th October!

    Love or hate it, it's the most important part of your yoga practice and the usually the hardest part to commit to. Most people think meditation is sitting as still as possible with your eyes closed and trying to think of nothing ... yet tha...

  • I AM A BEGINNER ~ Sadhana Series

    13 items

    If you are new to Kundalini Yoga this is the perfect place to start! This course will take you through the basics of Kundalini Yoga and Meditation in an 11 part series of 15 - 20 minutes classes.

    Kundalini Yoga is known as "the yoga of awareness," encouraging you to open your heart, build stren...

  • All Kundalini Yoga Classes

    219 items

    Explore the full collection of Kundalini Yoga classes from 10 minutes right through to 75 minutes!

  • All Meditations

    73 items

  • Using music alongside your classes!

    Find playlist and music recommendations on the Golden Yogi Spotify: