October Week 4

October Week 4

Class schedule for the 22nd - 28th of October!

Sunday 22nd October - Keep Up Spirit
Monday 23rd October - Cleansing the Lymph Glands
Tuesday 24th October - Let Go of the Past
Wednesday 25th October - Inner Conflict Resolver
Thursday 26th October - Release Tension & Rejuvenation
Friday 27th October - Get Up & Get Going
Saturday 28th October - Reaching Ecstasy

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October Week 4
  • Cleansing the Lymph Glands

    Balance the energy in your body by cleansing the lymphatic system. A very meditative class using mantra to feel balanced physically, mentally and energetically.

    Mantra: Har Haree

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  • Keep Up Spirit

    'Keep Up' is an affirmation commonly taught by Yogi Bhajan to inspire enthusiasm and drive. This class will expand your heart and vibrate energy into every cell in your body, bringing positive enthusiasm into your life. This class will create joy, peace, and the power to uplift yourself and those...

  • Let Go of the Past

    Memories from the past are stored not only in the mind but within our bodies, creating tension and tightness that can be difficult to move through and let go of. This class will encourage you to move past anything that is holding you back and come into the meditative mind where you can flow with ...

  • Inner Conflict Resolver

    Inner conflicts are the result of an imbalance of pranic flow in the body. This meditation will redistribute the flow of prana through your body by using the breath. By creating sitting in the space between the inhale and exhale we will create a balance of pranic flow so that you feel peaceful an...

  • Release Tension & Rejuvenation

    Use self massage techniques of applying pressure at certain areas to release tension and move energy through every part of the body. When energy is stagnant in the body you can feel stuck, heavy and tense. This gentle kriya stimulates the energy to move, relieving built up stress and tension and ...

  • Get Up & Get Going

    Woken up and don't feel like getting out of bed? This is the class for you! All of the postures in this class can be done front the comfort of your bed. Begin the class laying down in bed and slowly create movement to energise the body and wake up the mind. Uplift your energy and create mental cl...

  • Reaching Ecstasy

    Through meditation we can reach states of ecstasy. Most of us would have had glimpses of this feeling before, and the more we meditate, the easier it is to reach this space of shusumna. This is where the magic happens!

    We'll start with a fluid and fast-paced aerobic set with poses such as Arche...