Breath Meditations

Breath Meditations

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Breath Meditations
  • Meditation to Release Fear

    Day 9 of the Meditation as Medicine Series!

    This meditation can be practiced on it's own or as Day 9 of the MEDITATION AS MEDICINE Series ~ An 11 part meditation series to learn how to use the power of your mind to heal yourself:

  • Meditation for the Thyroid Gland

    A standing meditation to stretch the 'life nerve' down the back body.

    This class can be practiced on it's own or as Day 5 of the MEDITATION AS MEDICINE Series ~ An 11 part meditation series to learn how to use the power of your mind to heal yourself:

  • Meditation for Migraines & Headaches

    A preventative meditation for headaches and migraines. Use an arm posture to create pressure through the shoulders and neck to flow energy and circulate blood towards the brain.

    This meditation can be practiced on it's own or as Day 6 of the MEDITATION AS MEDICINE Series ~ An 11 part meditation...

  • Meditation for Immunity

    Create Sun energy in the body through right nostril breathing. This 5 minute breathwork will build energy, vitality and strengthen your immune system function.

    This meditation can be practiced on it's own or as Day 3 of the MEDITATION AS MEDICINE Series ~ An 11 part meditation series to learn h...

  • Meditation for Sugar Regulation

    A meditation taking you through two postures to work with the pancreas. A helpful practice to curb sugar cravings and regulate your sugar levels.

    This meditation can be practiced on it's own or as Day 2 of our MEDITATION AS MEDICINE Series ~ An 11 part meditation series to learn how to use the ...

  • Meditation for Digestion

    A moving meditation creating Apana energy (downward flow) through the use of pranayama (breathwork) and gentle movement to stimulate the digestive system and support elimination. Ideally practiced in the morning or on an empty stomach, this practice will help if you are feeling heavy, bloated or ...

  • Fight Brain Fatigue & Live your Excellence

    A deep meditation using segmented breathing combined with arm movements to bring the mind into balance. When you feel tired or fatigued your energy can be flat and low. Use this practice to boost your energy so you feel light, bright and radiant.

  • Facing the Challenge of Tomorrow

    Kundalini Yoga empowers you to step into your power to face any challenges that arise in your life. Learn to stay strong and stable within yourself in this three part meditation working with mudra. Balance and channel the energy through your body with breathwork and challenging arm positions. Aft...

  • Elementary Adjustment of the Brain

    A three part mediation series to regulate and adjust the brain. Incorporate hand movements breath patterns, mudras and eye focus. Rebalance and harmonise your energy to feel focused and ready to take on the day.

  • Commanding the Command Center of the Glandular System

    Focus on the third eye, linked to the pituitary gland which is known as the 'master gland' that controls all glandular secretions. Bringing this gland into balance allows you to feel refreshed and centred within your mind. This is a three part series of three minute meditations.

  • Meditation for Creative Life Capacity

    Breath brings in life energy and capacity for creativity. As you move through this series of 3 minute pranayama practices and postures you will build your energy and build your creative potential.

  • Meditation for Physical Health & Mental Clarity

    Move through three poses, each for three minutes long. Use powerful pranayama to tune up the physical body, while also creating clarity in the mind. Combine breath, eye focus, movement and internal awareness to feel refreshed and renewed!

    This class can be practiced on its own or as part of the ...

  • Right Nostril Breathing (Energising)

    Right Nostril Breathing is an energising pranayama meditation to bring you energy, mental focus, and enthusiasm. Use the left hand to gently close off the left nostril to breathe primarily from the right nostril. The right nostril breathing brings in the energy of Surya / the sun energy. This ene...

  • Left Nostril Breathing (Calming)

    Left Nostril Breathing is a calming pranayama meditation to calm the mind and soothe the nervous system. Using the right hand to gently close off the eight nostril, you will breathe through the left nostril only to bring in cooling and calming energy. The left nostril breathing connects to the en...

  • Silent Meditation

    Silent meditation can often be challenging as we live in a world where there is a constant stream of stimulation and noise. It is common to struggle with silence and doing nothing as it means you have to learn be with your own thoughts. The more you practice sitting in silence the easier it will ...

  • Four-Stroke Breath for Meditative Balance

    As you segment the breath you segment the mind, letting go of all thoughts and negativity. In this short meditation you will use a four stroke breath, inhaling deeply before exhaling in four parts. This is a powerful breath to regulate the diaphragm to calm the mind.

    This class can be practiced...

  • Develop Your Pranic Energy

    Focus your awareness on the inhale breath to bring in more and more energy (prana) into the body. In this short 5 minute meditation you will concentrate purely on bringing prana into the body to feel full of life and vitality!

    This class can be practiced on it's own or as Day 5 of the 'Learn to ...

  • Gyan Mudra Kriya

    A beautiful breath meditation to regulate the breath and balance your energy. By focusing your awareness on a 4-part breathing pattern your mind cannot wander and you will enter the neutral meditative mind where all thoughts fall away.

    This class can be practiced on it's own or as Day 4 of the...

  • Breath Cleansing

    As you breathe you are balancing the energy coming into the body (prana) with the energy leaving the body (apana). This meditation will bring balance between Ida and Pingala, the main energy channels in the body, using alternate nostril breathing. When you consciously channel the breath between t...

  • Meditation for a Calm Heart

    In yogic philosophy the space between the exhale and inhale is said to be where the magic happens! When you sit in the stillness between the breaths your mind becomes clear and you go deep into meditation. Allow your heart to become calm as you mind gets absorbed into the stillness.

    This class ...

  • Conscious Breathing

    The way you breathe allows you to access the state of meditation where your mind is clear. By focusing your attention on the breath the chaos and clutter of the mind falls away to allow you to enter into the neutral meditative mind. Give yourself these 7 minutes to breathe deeply and consciously ...

  • Ancient Way of Prayer

    When we think of prayer we usually think of something outside of ourself. This meditation will take you inwards to a place of stillness where you can become open to receiving the answers to your prayers and blessings. Meditate on the word 'thou' to connect to the unlimited potential that is withi...

  • Pranayama Series

    Explore different breathing techniques combined with mudras and movement to channel the pranic flow through the body. The perfect morning practice to center your energy before the day ahead, or at the end of the day to unwind and unload the mind.


  • Boost your Energy with Lion Paws

    A powerful short kriya to reset the brain and its electromagnetic field. Movement of your arms and hands triggers the reflexes in your fingertips related to each area of your brain. Breath of fire added to your arm movements enhances the function of the pituitary and pineal glands. This short exe...